George asks…
Free blackberry themes for blackbery curve 8530?
What website can i use for free blackberry themes for my 8530 blackberry curve?
admin answers:
Sandra asks…
blackberry curve 8530 themes?
are there any themes out there for the blackberry curve 8530? i like pink xD haha
admin answers:
Check this out:
Ken asks…
Girly BlackBerry Curve 8530 themes?
Does anyone know where I could find themes for the BlackBerry Curve 8530 that are girly and preferably free? Please don't tell me to "try" this site, or "try" that site. The whole point of me asking is because I've been trying searching for hours and can't find please only tell me if you know. Thank youu. <3333
admin answers:
Free or look at what ur provider has like att they cost from there but sometimes the ones you see on sites dont work good luck own has some for bb but not sure they work with ur bb
Helen asks…
where can i find free themes for blackberry curve 8530?
i just got the new blackberry curve 8530 and i downloaded a few free themes from the blackberry app world and i was wondering if there were any other options, like a website where i had more of an option. and by any chance is there a multiple alarm app thats free? thanks
admin answers:
I got my 8530 on the 1st of the month for my wife and I. I put a bunch of themes from Most of them are free. As for the multiple alarm, your bb should be able to handle multiple alarms, as my wife has 3 alarms set on her phone. I hope this helps, and if you have bb messenger on ur phone, hit me up on here and I will add you.
Richard asks…
how to download themes for blackberry curve 8530?
how to download themes for blackberry curve 8530 from computer to phone right now i dont have internet on my phone so i just want to download the theme to my computer and then just save it onto my phone how can i do that?
thanx in advance:)
admin answers:
Go to desktop manager with the phone connected put the photos in the blackberry folder then sync it
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