Monday, January 2, 2012

Questions About Blackberry Themes For Torch

Sandy asks…

BlackBerry Torch Themes?

i got an BB Torch for AT&T, and i was told you can have different themes for it... I went to display on the phone and clicked "download themes" but it didnt work..... How can i get download themes and get them for free!?

admin answers:

At this time there are none.

Lizzie asks…

Themes for blackberry torch?

Hey I was wondering if there is a place that I can go on with my bb torch and download free themes for my bb torch some that are really cool like skulls or flames thanks!:)

admin answers: and appl world

John asks…

How to delete theme off of blackberry torch?

I can't seem to figure out how to delete it. I don't like the theme I downloaded at all and I've only had the phone for two days.
Can someone please help!

admin answers:

Options > Applications. Make sure 3rd party is chosen from the menu to the right. Your theme should be there and you can delete it. If you do not see it, use the menu key and select Modules. You might find it there.

James asks…

Will a torch theme work on my blackberry curve?

I have the blackberry curve 8520 but I REALLY love this theme for the torch 9880. Will it work on my curve? I'm assuming it won't but I was hoping there might be some chance it will. Thankkss ahead of time! :)
I don't want to just try it either because trying it will make me update my blackberry and I'm afraid if I update it and it DOESN'T work, I won't be able to get my current theme back which is better than the plain OS6 theme

admin answers:

It depends. If it is a theme with a wallpaper, probably not, as the torch has a much bigger screen. However, a different theme may work, just try it - and then you'll find out :)

George asks…

Can a blackberry torch be jailbroken/unlocked?

I just want to know because this is gonna be my main present for christmas and i just want to know can u unlock the phone and if doing so what will it allow me enable to do (i have an jailbroken ipod, where i get my apps and themes for free). and also how risky is it to unlock a blackberry?

admin answers:

Yes it can be unlocked, Not jailbroken
but i believe it can be rooted into, to install games.. And apps

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